Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Women's Day Six: French gain revenge to steal 9th seed

After coming first in the bottom pool with all out wins, it was time to match up with the French again to battle for 9th/10th place. It was always going to be a tough game as we knew they were out for us, and they certainly proved their worth. We ate through their zone, and they ate through ours, so man defence was the order of the day. We traded on points for the first few, and then they got the essential turn to bring a lead to their game, and from then on out it was an uphill struggle for us. We were tired, and despite fighting till the end, having that lead spurred them on more than us, and they were able to convert the ridiculously long points that we were unable to score. Time out after time out were called, and finally it became a point cap at 14-9, game to 16. More long points were to follow, and before we knew it, it was the end and the French had come out on top, 16-10. A really enjoyable game, it was good to end the tournament with a proper battle till the end.

It was unfortunate that we lost our seed, considering that we had already won the bottom pool, but all in all it was great to have 5 wins and 5 losses, and I’m confident that the future is only brighter!

MVP of the day: Lorraine O’Donnell

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