Monday, August 6, 2007

Day Six - the last games of the week

The final day of competition for all teams but the finalists saw both the Irish teams take on France at 11am. The Women were playing for 9th place and the Open team for the chance to play in a playoff game for 5th.

The first time the Women met the French it was a tight match with the Irish girls coming out on top. This time the French had revenge. Unfotunately I didnt see (or photograph!) any of the game but heard it was another closely fought affair. 14-12 I think...

Meanwhile the Mens team were having a battle on a far away pitch. The French had lost badly to GB and wanted revenge for the group game we'd won 17-12. Both teams started well, the disc being played long but the two Defences were on top as turnovers were forced repeatedly. We traded until 5-5 when we began to put the foot down and closed out the half 9-6. The second half was more of the same with the advantage remaining with us until 16-11 when the French began using a Zone to good effect. They scored 4 in a row and rattled us well but eventually the O line put away the final score to win 17-15 and gaurantee at least 6th place!

The last game of the week was a tough one against the 5th seeds, Germnay, for 5th place. There offence was fast and precise and their throws assured. We threw all we could at them but didnt get any joy against a clever zone and a calm attack. Small mistakes crept in under pressure from the zone and in the end they won out deserved winners 17-9.

We had a great laugh with them afterwards and shared some Bucky too! We also met Hans Tirol, a new hero for us. 'He's gotta be small, he's gotta be German, he's gotta be faster than light - I need Hans Tirol!'

So, the dust is slowly settling and we're all delighted. Both teams came away with 5 wins each, with big wins against teams we never thought we'd beat a year ago. The Women gained huge experience and will come back a stronger team next time around with a Quarter-final their goal. The Open team will keep working and who knows?? To finish sixth ahead of the likes of the Netherlands, French and Italians is amazing. Here's hoping it's only the beginning!!